Betekenis van:
official document


  1. (Signature of the duly authorised official issuing the document)
  2. If an official statement appears on this document, it shall be clearly separated from all other contents of the document.
  3. are accompanied by a commercial document or official certificate as required by this Decision.
  4. GIPSA will issue an official document as follows, and provide it to the applicant:
  5. If an official declaration appears on this document, it shall be clearly separate from all other information in the document; or
  6. they must be published in the national official journal or an official document equally accessible to the public and transmitted to the Commission.
  7. A help page (in all official languages) shall inform the public how the document can be obtained.
  8. (attach the official document whereby the responsible authority delegated responsibility for implementing ERF actions to the delegated body)
  9. The original of the movement document and the labels referred to in the model movement document shall be drawn up in at least one official language of the Member State of destination.
  10. complete the relevant part of Part II of the common entry document; and the responsible official of the competent authority shall stamp and sign the original of that document;
  11. The Plant health movement document shall no longer be required to accompany the consignment and this document or a copy thereof shall be kept for at least one year by the official body of point of destination.
  12. an official document of the medical institution confirming necessity for medical care in that institution and proof of sufficient financial means to pay for the medical treatment.
  13. Firstly, the calculations provided do not form part of the company’s income tax return statement or any other official tax authority document.
  14. they are certified as acceptable for transit or storage (as appropriate) on the Common Veterinary Entry Document by the Official Veterinarian of the Border Inspection Post of introduction.
  15. If a language other than an official ICCAT language (English, French and Spanish) is used in completing the catch document, the English translation must be attached to it.